J18  |
On the Tractability Landscape of the Conditional Minisum Approval Voting Rule with M. Lampis, E. Markakis, and G. Papasotiropoulos Information Processing Letters, forthcoming [arXiv version] |
 J17  |
Round-Robin Beyond Additive Agents: Existence and Fairness of Approximate Equilibria with G. Birmpas, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser Mathematics of Operations Research, forthcoming [arXiv version] Supersedes the EC 2023 paper below. |
 J16  |
Approximately Sampling and Counting Graphs with Near-Regular Degree Intervals with P. Kleer SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, forthcoming [arXiv version] Supersedes the STACS 2023 paper below. |
 J15  |
Allocating Indivisible Goods to Strategic Agents: Pure Nash Equilibria and Fairness with G. Birmpas, F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser Mathematics of Operations Research, forthcoming [arXiv version] Supersedes the WINE 2021 paper below. |
 J14  |
Don't Roll the Dice, Ask Twice: The Two-Query Distortion of Matching Problems and Beyond with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 38(1), 1007–1029, 2024 [arXiv version] Supersedes the NeurIPS 2022 paper below. |
 J13  |
Fair Division of Indivisible Goods: Recent Progress and Open Questions with H. Aziz, G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, B. Li, H. Moulin, A. A. Voudouris, and X. Wu Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 322, 103965, 2023 [arXiv version] Supersedes the IJCAI 2022 survey below. |
 J12  |
A Few Queries Go a Long Way: Information-Distortion Tradeoffs in Matching with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 74, 227–261, 2022 [arXiv version] Supersedes the AAAI 2021 paper below. |
 J11  |
Fast Adaptive Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint with F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 74, 661-690, 2022 [arXiv version] Supersedes the NeurIPS 2020 paper below. |
 J10  |
Rapid mixing of the switch Markov chain for 2-class joint degree matrices with P. Kleer SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 36(1), 118-146, 2022 [journal version] Partially supersedes the SODA 2019 paper below. |
 J9  |
Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Non-Monotone Submodular Objectives: Offline and Online with P. Kleer and G. Schäfer Mathematics of Operations Research, Vol. 47(3), 2286-2309, 2022 [arxiv version] Supersedes the EC 2019 paper below. |
 J8  |
Inequity Aversion Pricing over Social Networks: Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results with P. Fulla, E. Markakis, and K. Sornat Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 871, 62-78, 2021 [arXiv version] Supersedes the MFCS 2016 paper below. |
 J7  |
Peeking Behind the Ordinal Curtain: Improving Distortion via Cardinal Queries with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 296, 103488, 2021 [arxiv version] Supersedes the AAAI 2020 paper below. |
 J6  |
Maximum Nash welfare and other stories about EFX with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, A. Hollender, and A. A. Voudouris Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 863, 69-85, 2021 [arXiv version] Supersedes the IJCAI 2020 paper below. |
 J5  |
A Simple Deterministic Algorithm for Symmetric Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint with G. Birmpas and E. Markakis Information Processing Letters, Vol. 163, 106010, 2020 [journal version] |
 J4  |
Multiple Birds with One Stone: Beating 1/2 for EFX and GMMS via Envy Cycle Elimination with E. Markakis and A. Ntokos Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 841, 94-109, 2020 [arXiv version] Supersedes the AAAI 2020 paper below. |
 J3  |
Rapid Mixing of the Switch Markov Chain for Strongly Stable Degree Sequences with P. Kleer Random Structures & Algorithms, Vol. 57, 637-657, 2020 [journal version] Partially supersedes the SODA 2019 paper below. |
 J2  |
Connected Realizations of Joint-Degree Matrices with B. Green and M. Mihail Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 250, 65-74, 2018 [journal version] Partially supersedes the DIMACS Workshop poster below. |
 J1  |
Approximation Algorithms for Computing Maximin Share Allocations with E. Markakis, A. Nikzad, and A. Saberi ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Vol. 13(4), 52:1-52:28, 2017 [arXiv version] Supersedes the ICALP 2015 paper below. |
C29 |
Algorithmically Fair Maximization of Multiple Submodular Objectives with G. Birmpas, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser AAMAS 2025, 24th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems [arXiv version] |
C28 |
Pandora's Box Problem Over Time with F. Fusco, R. Reiffenhäuser, and A. Tsikiridis WINE 2024, 20th Conference on Web and Internet Economics [arXiv version] |
C27 |
Pushing the Frontier on Approximate EFX Allocations with A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. Sgouritsa EC 2024, 25th ACM conference on Economics and Computation [arXiv version] |
C26 |
On the Potential and Limitations of Proxy Voting: Delegation with Incomplete Votes with A. Filos-Ratsikas, P. Lazos, E. Markakis, G. Papasotiropoulos AAMAS 2024, 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems [arXiv version] |
C25 |
Partial Allocations in Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design: Bridging Multiple Levels of Service and Divisible Agents with S. Klumper, E. Markakis, G. Schäfer, A. Tsikiridis WINE 2023, 19th Conference on Web and Internet Economics [arXiv version] |
C24 |
Round-Robin Beyond Additive Agents: Existence and Fairness of Approximate Equilibria with G. Birmpas, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser EC 2023, 24th ACM conference on Economics and Computation [arXiv version] Superseded by the MOR paper above. |
C23 |
Approximately Sampling and Counting Graphs with Near-Regular Degree Intervals with P. Kleer STACS 2023, 40th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science [arXiv version] Superseded by the SIDMA paper above. |
C22 |
Don't Roll the Dice, Ask Twice: The Two-Query Distortion of Matching Problems and Beyond with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris NeurIPS 2022, 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems [arXiv version] Superseded by the SIDMA paper above. |
C21 |
Decentralised Update Selection with Semi-Strategic Experts with G. Birmpas, P. Lazos, F. Marmolejo-Cossío SAGT 2022, 15th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory [arXiv version] |
C20 |
Fair Division of Indivisible Goods: A Survey with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris IJCAI 2022 - Survey Track, 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arXiv version] Superseded by the ARTINT paper above. |
C19 |
Allocating Indivisible Goods to Strategic Agents: Pure Nash Equilibria and Fairness with G. Birmpas, F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser WINE 2021, 17th Conference on Web and Internet Economics Best Paper Award [arXiv version] Superseded by the MOR paper above. |
C18 |
Submodular Maximization subject to a Knapsack Constraint:
Combinatorial Algorithms with Near-optimal Adaptive Complexity with F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela, and R. Reiffenhäuser ICML 2021, 38th International Conference on Machine Learning [arXiv version] |
C17 |
A Few Queries Go a Long Way: Information-Distortion Tradeoffs in Matching with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris AAAI 2021, 35th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arXiv version] Superseded by the JAIR paper above. |
C16 |
Fast Adaptive Non-Monotone Submodular Maximization Subject to a Knapsack Constraint with F. Fusco, P. Lazos, S. Leonardi, and R. Reiffenhäuser NeurIPS 2020, 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems [arXiv version] Appeared as a poster in HALG 2021. Superseded by the JAIR paper above. |
C15 |
Maximum Nash Welfare and Other Stories About EFX with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, A. Hollender, and A. A. Voudouris IJCAI 2020, 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arXiv version] Superseded by the TCS paper above. |
C14 |
Peeking Behind the Ordinal Curtain: Improving Distortion via Cardinal Queries with G. Birmpas, A. Filos-Ratsikas, and A. A. Voudouris AAAI 2020, 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arxiv version] Superseded by the ARTINT paper above. |
C13 |
Multiple Birds with One Stone: Beating 1/2 for EFX and GMMS via Envy Cycle Elimination with E. Markakis and A. Ntokos AAAI 2020, 34th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arxiv version] Superseded by the TCS paper above. |
C12 |
Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Non-Monotone Submodular Objectives: Offline and Online with P. Kleer and G. Schäfer EC 2019, 20th ACM conference on Economics and Computation [arxiv version] Superseded by the MOR paper above. |
C11 |
Rapid Mixing of the Switch Markov Chain for Strongly Stable Degree Sequences and 2-Class Joint Degree Matrices with P. Kleer SODA 2019, 30th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms [arxiv version] Superseded by the RSA paper and the SIDMA paper above. |
C10 |
An Improved Envy-Free Cake Cutting Protocol for Four Agents with G. Christodoulou, J. Fearnley, E. Markakis, C.-A. Psomas, and E. Vakaliou SAGT 2018, 11th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory [arXiv version] Appeared as a poster in WINE 2017. |
 C9  |
Comparing Approximate Relaxations of Envy-Freeness with G. Birmpas and E. Markakis IJCAI 2018, 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arXiv version] Also presented at the COMSOC 2018 workshop. |
 C8  |
On Budget-Feasible Mechanism Design for Symmetric Submodular Objectives with G. Birmpas and E. Markakis WINE 2017, 13th Conference on Web and Internet Economics [arXiv version] |
 C7  |
Truthful Allocation Mechanisms Without Payments: Characterization and Implications on Fairness with G. Birmpas, G. Christodoulou, and E. Markakis EC 2017, 18th ACM conference on Economics and Computation [arXiv version] |
 C6  |
Coverage, Matching, and Beyond: New Results on Budgeted Mechanism Design with G. Birmpas and E. Markakis WINE 2016, 12th Conference on Web and Internet Economics [arXiv version] |
 C5  |
Inequity Aversion Pricing over Social Networks: Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results with E. Markakis and K. Sornat MFCS 2016 , 41st International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science [arXiv version] Also presented at the AGT@IJCAI 2016 workshop. Superseded by the TCS paper above. |
 C4  |
On Truthful Mechanisms for Maximin Share Allocations with G. Birmpas and E. Markakis IJCAI 2016, 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [arXiv version] Also presented at the COMSOC 2016 workshop, and appeared as a poster in WINE 2016. |
 C3  |
Approximation Algorithms for Computing Maximin Share Allocations with E. Markakis, A. Nikzad, and A. Saberi ICALP 2015 (A) , 42nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming [arXiv version] Also appeared as a poster in WINE 2015. Superseded by the TALG paper above. |
 C2  |
Multiple Referenda and Multiwinner Elections Using Hamming Distances: Complexity and Manipulability with N. Barrot, J. Lang, E. Markakis, and B. Ries AAMAS 2015, 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems [AAMAS version] |
 C1  |
Provably-Secure Schemes for Basic Query Support in Outsourced Databases with A. Boldyreva and A. O'Neill DBSec 2007, 21st IFIP WG11.3 Working Conference on Data and Application Security [DBSec version] |
 T2  |
Algorithmic and Mechanism Design Aspects of Problems with Limited—or no—Payments PhD Thesis, Athens University of Economics and Business, August 2017 Advisor: Asst. Prof. Vangelis Markakis [thesis] |
 T1  |
Probabilisticaly Checkable Proofs and Hardness of Approximation (in Greek) Diploma Thesis, National Technical University of Athens, July 2004 Advisor: Prof. Stathis Zachos |
O3 |
Flexible Models for Complex Networks with M. Mihail and S. Young WebSci 2009, 1st Web Science Conference: Society On-Line [WebSci version] Also appeared as a poster at the ARC2 GaTech workshop (October 2008). |
O2 |
Graphic Realizations of Joint-Degree Matrices with B. Green and M. Mihail DIMACS Workshop on New Directions in Algorithms, Combinatorics and Optimization, 2008, Poster [arXiv version] Partially superseded by the DAM paper above. |
O1 |
Side-Channel Attacks with S. Zachos and V. Zikas Workshop on Internet-Education-Science, Pristina, Serbia, 2004 |